LAUREL, MD 20723
(301) 317-8844
(REVISED 03/21/2017)
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)
I. Preamble 4
II. Purpose 4
III. Church Covenant 4
IV. Articles of Faith 5
V. Vision and Core Values 5
Section 1 – Qualifications 6
Section 2 – Responsibilities and Privileges 6
Section 3 – Non-Resident 6
Section 4 – In-Active 7
Section 5 – Termination 7
Section 1 – Worship 7
Section 2 – Business 8
Section 3 -- Church Council 8
Section 1 – Baptism 8
Section 2 -- Lord's Supper 9
Section 1 – Pastor 9
Section 2 -- Youth Pastor 10
Section 3 – Deacons 10
Section 4 – Trustees 11
Section 5 – Church Clerk/Administrator 11
Section 6 – Treasurer 12
Section 7 -- Assistant Treasurer 12
Section 8 -- Financial Secretary 12
Section 1 -- Ministry Team Leaders 12
Section 2 -- Audio/Visual Team 13
Section 3 -- Building and Grounds Team 13
Section 4 -- Fellowship Team 13
Section 5 -- Greeters Team 13
Section 6 -- Helping Hands Team 13
Section 7 -- Missions Team 13
Section 8 -- Nominating Team 13
Section 9 -- Prayer Team 14
Section 10 -- Stewardship Team 14
Section 11 -- Family Bible Study Team 14
Section 12 -- Teller Team 14
Section 13 -- Usher Team 14
Section 14 -- Worship Team 14
Section 15 -- Personnel Search Team 15
Section 16 -- Adhoc Teams 15
"The Baptist Faith and Message"
Church Security & Safety Guidelines
Church Ministry Guidelines & Procedures
These Constitution and By-Laws are made to preserve and secure the principles of our faith; preserve the liberties of each individual member of the Church; ensure freedom of action and independence from any religious body or organization; and provide for orderly conduct of internal affairs in governing Church members and for dealing with others.
Name: This body shall be known as the Hope Baptist Church of Laurel, Maryland.
This covenant ministry is organized for the purpose of promoting and sharing the worship of God through the reading, teaching, and sharing of the Bible as the revealed Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter, 1:20-21; 1 Thessalonians 2:13) and in doing so, shall advance and promote the Lordship and Discipleship of Jesus Christ as our Personal Savior according to the Divine doctrines set forth in the Holy Scriptures (Matthew 28:19-20; Colossians 1:28-29; John 3:16; Romans 3:23, 6:23, 10:1-4, 8-18).
Our plan is to hold regular meetings for worship, teaching, training, and fellowship, in accordance with Biblical principles (Acts 2:42; Ephesians 4:11-16; Colossians 3:16).
It shall be the procedure of this fellowship to walk in the manner worthy of the name of Christ and to be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit and to uphold the bond of peace as befits the maturing Christian believer (Ephesians 4:1-3; Galatians 5:22-26, 6:1; Matthew 18:15-18; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13).
It also shall be the procedure of this fellowship to urge the members of the Church to shape their lives and live according to the doctrines and truths which are set forth in “The Baptist Faith and Message” adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention and also in the Church Covenant below.
Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.
We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love, to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines. To contribute cheerfully and regularly to: the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations. We also engage to maintain family and personal devotions, to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our family and acquaintances; to walk humbly and circumspectly in the world, to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary in our behaviors, to avoid all gossiping, slandering, and excessive anger; to abstain from the production, distribution, use or consumption of anything which hinders the propagation of our faith, and to be zealous in our efforts to advance the kingdom of our Savior. We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love, to remember each other in prayer, to aid each other in sickness and distress, to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech; and to be slow to take offense, always ready for reconciliation, being mindful of the rules of our Savior, and to secure it without delay. We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of the covenant and the principles of God’s Word.
The Articles of Faith to which Hope Baptist Church subscribes is “The Baptist Faith and Message” (appendix A) adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention.
In addition to the Articles of Faith and the preceding Church Covenant, upon recommendation of the Southern Baptist Convention as called for in these times, the following Statement of Marriage and Sexuality constitute the religious beliefs upon which Hope Baptist Church was founded as an organized body of Christian believers.
Statement of Marriage and Sexuality:
We believe that the term 'marriage' has only one meaning and that is marriage sanctioned by God which joins one man and one woman in an exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture.
We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to only occur between a man and a woman who are married to each other. We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman.
We believe that any form of sexual immorality is sinful and offensive to God.
We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of the church as the local Body of Christ, and to provide a biblical role model to the church members and the community, it is imperative that all persons employed by or serving as Leaders in the church, should abide by and agree to this Statement on Marriage and Sexuality and strive to conduct themselves accordingly.
We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity. Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual are to be repudiated and are not in accord with scripture nor the doctrines of the church.
Our vision is encompassed in one word, HOPE. According to Jeremiah 29:11, God makes plans for us, plans to prosper, plans to protect, plans to give us HOPE and a future. It is our intent, for all those whom God allows us to have influence over, to explain the HOPE found in the Gospel message that Jesus saves us from our sins, in accordance with the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20, Acts 1:8). In achieving this goal, we recognize four core values that express how this vision is accomplished. Helping (Deuteronomy 15:11, James 1:17, Galatians 6:2, John 15:12, 2 Corinthians 5:20), Obeying (John 14:23, James 1:22), Praying (1 Thessalonians 5:15-18, Philippians 4:6-7), Equipping (Hebrews 10:24-25, Colossians 3:16) represent a continuum of these values upon which we pursue spreading the Gospel message of HOPE in Jesus to all those we may encounter.
Section 1 – Qualifications
A person may present himself as a candidate for Church membership by coming forward during the invitation at any worship service. The candidate must come with a repentant heart, denying the works of the flesh and embracing the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:19-26; Romans 1:24-32).
Candidates may become a member by any of the following methods:
New Believer – Any New Believer who publicly professes their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and commits to Him in baptism by immersion (unless prohibited due to health reasons). The New Believer will be required to attend the new member orientation and discipleship training.
Transfer – Any Believer, upon receipt of a letter or confirmation of good standing from a church of like faith, as outlined in the Baptist Faith and Message.
Statement of Faith – Any Believer, upon statement of prior conversion experience and baptism by immersion. They will be required to attend the new member orientation and discipleship training.
Restoration/Reinstatement – Any member or previous member who for whatever reason became inactive or was terminated, depending on the nature of the termination. This person may seek reinstatement upon confirmation by the Pastor and Deacons that all qualifications are being met.
Candidates will be examined by the Pastor and Deacons to confirm that they show commitment to the purpose and programs of the Church. Any member who has information in support or denial of a candidate’s request for membership will have the opportunity to come forward and share with the Pastor and/or Deacons, with all information shared being kept in strict confidentiality. Upon unanimous agreement by the Pastor and Deacons, the Church Clerk will present the candidate for a vote by the congregation at the next business meeting.
Section 2 – Responsibilities and Privileges
Members are expected to faithfully adhere to the Constitution and By-Laws. The Church Pastor(s) and Deacons maintain a list of active members and retains the right to determine whether a member sufficiently meets the criteria. Only active members are entitled to participate in votes and hold leadership positions in the Church.
In addition, members in good standing are responsible for being active, in the following, except when reasonably prevented from doing so:
Attend weekly worship services of the Church;
Contribute to the Church and its causes, by being an active member of the body, by giving of their time, talents, and possessions;
Participate in the organized ministries of the Church;
Participate and vote in the business meetings of the Church, beginning at age 17;
Be considered for ministry leadership, beginning at age 18.
Section 3 – Non-Resident
A non-resident member of the Church is a member who is unable to fully comply with the responsibilities of a member in good standing due to special circumstances. These special circumstances are defined by a member being a part of a specific care group, as follows: service in the military, attendance at a non-local college or other educational institute, away for an extended period of time (greater than three months) on business or personal travel, being a shut-in due to health reasons. Upon contacting the member and by unanimous agreement by the Pastor and Deacons, the member will be identified with one of the above care groups and will be recommended for non-resident status.
Because non-resident members are neither present nor active in the business of the church, these non-residents will not be afforded the rights nor privileges of full membership. Upon their return, non-residents will be automatically reinstated to full membership and privileges.
Upon any of the above actions or decisions, the Church Clerk will inform the congregation at the next business meeting.
Section 4 – In-Active
Any member, who is not a non-resident member, who fails to fully comply with the responsibilities of membership for a period of three months, and after being contacted and duly examined for their intentions and by unanimous agreement by the Pastor and Deacons, will be considered in-active.
Because in-active members are neither present nor active in the business of the church, they will not be afforded the rights nor privileges of full membership. An in-active member can be restored to full membership upon demonstration for a period of three months, their intention to adhere to the Constitution and By-Laws and expectations of membership, and by unanimous agreement by the Pastor and Deacons.
Upon any of the above actions or decisions, the Church Clerk will inform the congregation by mention at the next business meeting.
Section 5 – Termination
Membership can be terminated for any of the following reasons:
Any member who desires a letter of transfer to any other Baptist church is entitled to receive it upon their request. Letters will be granted to other churches, not to individuals.
Any member who requests to have his membership terminated may have his request granted.
Any member who becomes an offense to the Church and to its good name by reason of immoral or unchristian conduct, the Church may terminate membership, but only after due notice and hearing, and after faithful efforts have been made to bring such a member to repentance and amendment (Galatians 6:1; Matthew 18:15-18; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13; Galatians 5:16-26; Ephesians 4:10-3).
Any member, who is not a Non-Resident member, who fails to fully comply with the responsibilities of membership for a period of three months, will be considered in-active, and after being duly examined for their intentions and by unanimous agreement by the Pastor and Deacons.
Upon an action or decision, the Church Clerk will issue appropriate communications, such as a letter, as warranted, and will provide notification to the congregation by mention at the next business meeting.
Section 1 – Worship
Worship is celebrating who God is and what He has done (Psalm 100:1-5 NIV). Worship involves personal sacrifice (Hebrews 13:15) and involves surrender of our lives (Romans 12:1).
A public worship service shall be held at least once each Sunday (weather permitting). Additional worship services may be held at other times at the discretion of the Church.
Sunday School Classes and Wednesday Family Bible Study and Prayer Meetings will be offered weekly to encourage spiritual growth of all ages.
Discipleship training and New Member classes will be made available throughout the year, based on congregation needs and interests.
Section 2 – Business
The Church shall hold quarterly Business Meetings on designated Wednesday evenings. A quorum is required and shall consist of at least ten percent (10%) of active members. Ministry Team Leaders shall provide a written report for the prior quarter to the Church Clerk prior to the scheduled meeting.
The Annual Business Meeting shall be held in the Fall at which time each Ministry Team shall present their written yearly report and will recognize new leadership, as appropriate.
Leaders and Teams, except as noted elsewhere, shall be elected for the new church year during the Summer Quarterly Business Meeting.
The Church may conduct Special Called Business Meetings, as warranted. A 14-day notice will be given for special called business meetings, unless extreme urgency renders such notice impractical. The notice must include the subject, date, time, and place for the meeting, and be given in such a manner that all active members will have the opportunity to be informed about the meeting.
Robert’s Rule of Order (Newly Revised) shall be followed during all business meetings.
Majority rule shall apply, unless otherwise stated.
Proxy voting for active members will be permitted -- for pre-determined, no discussion, no amend-ment votes only, if the member is unable to be present at the business meeting due to extreme reasons, such as illness or travel. The member must present their vote in writing to the Church Clerk, Pastor or Deacon in person or email. Proxy voting will count towards a quorum, as witnessed by the moderator.
Remote participation in business meetings will be supported, to the degree possible, if the member is not reasonably able to be physically present. Participation remotely will count towards a quorum, as witnessed by the Moderator.
The Church Clerk, Pastor, or Deacon Chair will call the meeting to order and a willing participant will be elected to serve as Moderator for the business meeting. If none wish to serve as a Moderator, the Pastor will serve by default, in the Pastor’s absence, the Deacon Chair and then Church Clerk will preside. If all three are not present the meeting will be postponed.
Section 3 – Church Council
The Church Council shall hold an open forum for all Church members and others to present ministry ideas and to express concerns. The Church Council shall consist of the Pastoral Staff, Church Leadership and all Ministry Team Leaders. Council Meetings shall be held once per month.
The Church Council shall be responsible for:
Recommending Church goals and the process to reach them to the Church; continually reviewing the progress toward these goals.
Planning for and coordinating all ministerial functions of the Church.
Reviewing and taking appropriate action on all presented programs and projects.
Assisting the Church Clerk in maintaining a calendar to coordinate and leverage Church activities.
Section 1 – Baptism
Baptism – Baptism is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer’s faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Savior; the believer’s death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus.
A person who receives Jesus Christ as Savior by personal faith, who professes Him publicly at any worship service (unless prohibited due to health reasons), and who indicates a commitment to follow Christ as Lord, shall be received for baptism. Baptisms shall be conducted as indicated in Article I.
Section 2 – Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic act of obedience, whereby members of the church and other believers in Christ, through partaking of the bread and fruit of the vine, commemorate the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and anticipate His second coming.
The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper shall be celebrated at least once a quarter, as arranged by the Pastor and Deacons.
Church Leadership is defined as positions that the Church has deemed necessary for the day-to-day functioning of the church. (See Article V for a list of Ministry Teams that the Church has deemed necessary and important to accomplish the works of the Church.)
Anyone desiring to serve as a Church Officer (or Ministry Team Leader) must be an active member in good standing, submit to a background check, be elected and approved by a vote of the congregation at a business meeting, commit to maintain contact with and be in prayer for each member of the group for who they are responsible, and shall serve until replaced or no longer able, unless otherwise indicated.
Section 1 – Pastor
A. Qualifications
He shall have a clear sense of God’s calling him to pastoral ministry.
He shall demonstrate strong Christian character.
He shall meet the Scriptural qualifications as set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
He shall be ordained by a Southern Baptist Church and be committed to the Southern Baptist Convention.
He must endorse the Covenant of this Church and the Baptist Faith and Message.
He shall be a member of this Church only. And, if married, his wife also must be a member of this Church only and be supportive of his ministry.
B. Selection
A pastor shall be chosen and called by the Church whenever a vacancy occurs. A pastor search committee will be formed (as stated in Article V, Section 15) to seek out a suitable pastor.
The committee will bring only one person at a time for consideration by the Church. The prospective pastor will preach before the congregation.
An election will take place during a special-called business meeting. A 14-day written notice will be given to the membership. Election will be conducted by written ballot. An affirmative vote by seventy-five percent (75%) of membership will be necessary for the call.
C. Covenant Agreement
A “Covenant Agreement” between the pastor and the Church shall be worked out by the personnel search committee and the Pastor.
The “Covenant Agreement” shall include duties of the pastor, terms of employment, salary, moving expenses, vacation and leave, pulpit substitution, and other items of mutual interest to the Church and pastor.
Copies of the “Covenant Agreement” shall be filed with the Church Clerk and Church Treasurer.
D. Duties
The Pastor is the shepherd of the Church. Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, he is responsible for equipping the Church, evangelizing the lost, leading members toward spiritual maturity through worship and service, and any other duties set forth in the Covenant Agreement.
The Pastor is the chief administrator of the Church.
He is responsible for conducting all worship services and acting as an advisor and leader in all phases of church life, so as to promote its spiritual welfare.
He shall serve as an ex-officio member of all ministries, committees, organizations, and departments of the Church.
The responsibility of the pulpit ministry rests upon him, including the provision of supply preachers in case of his absence.
He shall be responsible for the preparation and execution of all ordinances including baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and marriage.
He shall have supervisory responsibility over all paid personnel, Church Leadership, and Ministry Team Leaders, unless otherwise noted or assigned by the Pastor.
He is encouraged to represent the Church at associational and denominational meetings.
E. Departure
The Pastor shall serve until the relationship is terminated by either party or as otherwise determined by mutual consent.
The Pastor may relinquish his role as pastor by giving at least four weeks’ notice to the Church.
Grounds for dismissal will be based on a violation of Biblical principles, as outlined above. The Pastor can be dismissed as the result of a petition signed by seventy-five percent (75%) of membership. Petitions must outline the violation and be presented to the Deacons for confirma-tion of the offense and approval of next steps. If other than a blatant grievous violation, the goal will always be about restoration and the Pastor will be given a chance to make corrective action. If no corrective action is made, the Church will have a 14-day period to circulate the petition for the required percentage of members’ signatures.
Section 2 – Youth Pastor
His qualifications, selection, covenant agreement, and departure are the same as for the Pastor above in Section 2, with the exception that he has primary responsibility in developing and maintaining a scheduled program of spiritual guidance and education for the Youth in accordance with Southern Baptist beliefs and sound doctrine.
Section 3 – Deacons
The Deacon Body shall call on a qualified member(s) who currently support the Church ministry, are at least 21 years of age, and have been a member for at least 12 months. Nominees will have been interviewed by the deacons about matters concerning their salvation experience and ministry. Qualification shall be determined by the candidates in light of their understanding of 1Timothy 3:8-13 and Acts 6:1-6.
Nominees shall be presented by the Deacon Chair during any business meeting and approved by a majority vote of the congregation. A service will be held to ordain and install new Deacons, as appropriate. Deacons transferring from a like faith, as outlined in the Baptist Faith and Message, will not be required to have an ordination service. Deacons are expected to help find replacements so they are able to periodically step down.
In accordance with the meaning of the work and the practice in the New Testament, deacons are to be servants of the Church. Their task is to serve with the Pastor and staff in performing the pastoral ministry tasks, including leading the Church in the achievement of its mission, proclaiming the gospel to believers and unbelievers, and caring for the Church members and other persons in the community. Additionally, church discipline is expected from the deacons in accordance with Matthew 18:15-17.
The Deacon Team may establish a Yokefellow program to train men to be Deacons, as warranted. Once a Yokefellow demonstrates spiritual maturity, he will be presented for nomination as a Deacon by majority vote of the congregation at a business meeting.
Because of the nature of Deacon Meetings, they are not open for the congregation to attend. The Deacons hold one open meeting every quarter, or more frequently if needed, which will be open to congregation for sharing information or expressing concerns.
Section 4 – Trustees
- Every person who serves as a Trustee shall be at least 21 years of age and be a member in good standing for at least 12 months prior to election.
- The Trustee Team shall have a minimum membership objective of three but not more than five members. It is desirable that term limits provide for a staggered rotation of Trustee members, and no individual will be allowed to serve greater than two consecutive three-year terms. Once an individual completes two consecutive terms, regardless of years served, he/she must rotate off the Trustees for at least twelve months before becoming eligible for re-election. The Trustees will coordinate term limits and vacancies with the Nominating Team whose responsibility it is to submit names for election.
- The Trustees as a body form the legal entity or representatives of the Church and shall hold in trust its real estate and provide for the protection of Church assets/property and execute their duties as directed in conformance with the public laws of Maryland or applicable Federal Statues and laws.
D. Trustee responsibilities include:
Executing all deeds of conveyance, mortgages, contracts, or any other legal documents officially binding the Church, in accordance with the will of the Church expressed in a business meeting, whose purpose has been advertised and due notice given to the membership.
Signing all documents of a legal nature; done by at least two Trustee members, one of which must be the Chairperson or the Vice-Chairperson.
Authorizing the use and annually reviewing the inventory of all Church property and equipment.
Establishing policies for facility use, maintenance, safety, and asset protection.
Supervising all new construction and land use, purchases and installation of new equipment, furnishings, and alterations, as directed by the Church.
Supervising the actions of the Building and Grounds Team.
E. The Trustees have the authority to spend annually budgeted funds up to $3,000.
The Trustees will hold quarterly meetings, or more frequently if needed, which are open to members to share information or express concerns.
Section 5 – Church Clerk
The Church Clerk shall be elected and approved by vote at a Business Meeting and serve until replaced or unable to serve in the position. The Church Clerk responsibilities include:
Attending all business meetings and accurately recording, processing, and preserving all business transactions approved by the Church at the meetings.
Ensuring all resident members are notified of all business meetings.
Preserving, processing and communicating all membership and other pertinent Church records.
Providing written reports, as needed.
Corresponding with other churches and members.
Preparing the annual letter to the association.
In the event the church has an Administrator on staff, these duties will be the responsibility of the Administrator. In addition, the Administrator will execute all duties outlined in the Church Administrator Covenant, as appropriate.
Section 6 – Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be elected and approved by vote at a Business Meeting and serve until replaced or unable to serve in this position. The Treasurer shall be responsible for:
Being an authorized bank signer on all bank accounts and serving as primary bank contact.
Disbursing and accounting for all Church funds.
Coordinating financial tax issues such as payroll, miscellaneous earnings, IRS and other matters.
Maintaining financial records in accordance with General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
Ensuring all financial records, which are the property of the Church, are recorded and retained in accordance with current Internal Revenues Service (IRS) regulations.
Submitting financial reports at the quarterly business meetings. Preparing annual financial reports or other requested reports, as needed.
Holding in confidentiality the details of all donations and payments.
Serving as a member of the Stewardship Team to assist with budget preparation and forecasting.
Section 7 – Assistant Treasurer
The Assistant Treasurer shall be elected and approved by vote at a Business Meeting and serve until replaced or unable to serve in this position. The Assistant Treasurer shall be responsible for:
Assisting in the duties of Treasurer.
Performing all Treasurer duties in the absence of the Treasurer. In the absence of the Assistant Treasurer, checks will be written by the Stewardship Team Leader.
Being authorized to sign bank documents.
Section 8 – Financial Secretary
The Financial Secretary shall be elected and approved by vote at a Business Meeting and serve until replaced or unable to serve in this position. The Financial Secretary responsibilities include:
Receiving the empty offering envelopes and recording individual member’s record of giving, ensuring these records are treated in accordance with current IRS regulations.
Ensuring individual members’ record of giving matches the weekly Tellers’ bank deposit amount.
Preparing annual statements for each contributor, in accordance with IRS regulations.
Holding the confidentiality of each individual’s contributions.
Ordering and disbursing tithe and offering envelopes, as needed.
To facilitate the works of the church, below are the Ministry Teams that the Church has deemed necessary and important and general guidelines for each. Specific responsibilities and processes will be outlined in the Church Ministry Guidelines (appendix C). The Church may elect any other team deemed necessary to carry out any specified assignments, as outlined in Section 16. All Teams are accountable to the Church, and the Church can at any time request full disclosure of what the team is doing.
Section 1 – Ministry Team Leaders
Ministry Team Leaders will be elected by the congregation during a business meeting. It is strongly desired that replacements Leaders be elected during the Winter business meeting, assisting the current Leader while learning the position, until officially rotating into the Leader role during the Fall business meeting. All team members may serve until replaced or unable to serve, unless otherwise noted.
In addition to the requirements noted above for Church Leadership (Article IV, Section 1), Ministry Team Leaders also are responsible for:
Finding volunteers to serve on the team, with the help of the Nominating Team. It is desired that each team consist of at least three members.
Assigning duties to those serving on the team.
Serving as a member of the Church Council representing their ministry and actively participating in the functions, goals, and strategies of the Church.
Presenting to the Church Clerk, as a matter of Church record, a written report for all appropriate Team meetings and quarterly Business Meetings, including an annual report of the full years’ activities for the Fall business meeting.
Presenting annually a written request for financial needs to the Stewardship Team for proposed budget considerations.
Seeking out, with the help of the Nominating Team, and training their replacements.
Section 2 – Audio/Visual Team
Responsible for providing sound support and maintaining necessary equipment, as required for Worship and the Church.
Section 3 – Building and Grounds Team
Responsible for procuring and maintaining all Church property under the authority of the Trustees. The Team shall have authority to spend the annually budgeted funds for all minor expenditures without prior Church approval up to $500. All major expenditures which exceed this threshold must receive approval of the Trustees, who can approve annually budgeted funds not to exceed $3,000.
In the event the church has a Building and Grounds Keeper on staff, these duties will be the responsibility of the staffer. In addition, that staffer will execute all duties outlined in the Building and Grounds Keeper Covenant, as appropriate.
Section 4 – Fellowship Team
Responsible for promoting Christian fellowship by creating and managing regular and varied social activities throughout the year, both within and outside the Church.
Section 5 – Greeters Team
Responsible for the greeting congregation and visitors coming to Sunday worship service; ensuring everyone feels welcome; encouraging visitors to record their visit in the log; and directing visitors to appropriate worship and other support services.
Section 6 – Helping Hands Team
Responsible for helping people in times of need, such as death, illness, surgery, birth, etc.
Section 7 – Missions Team
Responsible for identifying and promoting opportunities for the Church to be on Mission for Christ, and educating the Church about local and non-local needs.
Section 8 – Nominating Team
Responsible for assisting Church leadership in recruiting new or replacement team leaders and members, based on individual’s interests, skills and talents.
Section 9 – Prayer Team
Responsible for promoting prayer and prayer opportunities within the Church, including communicating the prayer needs of the congregation as quickly as possible; holding all confidences and refraining from any form of gossip.
Section 10 – Stewardship Team
Responsible for preparing the annual Church budget, evaluating special and ongoing budget needs, performing appropriate accounting and audit functions, developing and overseeing policies and procedures to safeguard Church financial resources, overseeing the Teller Team, and encouraging the Church to support and grow in Christian stewardship.
The Team shall consist of two members elected-at-large, in addition to the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Financial Secretary serving as ex-officio members. Team meetings are not open forums for all Church members.
Section 11 – Family Bible Study Team
Family Bible Study Team Leader
Responsible for overseeing all Family Bible Study activities, establishing policies and procedures and oversight for all Age Group Leaders, Teachers, and Helpers, procuring and ensuring all materials used for instructional purposes are Southern Baptist or are otherwise approved by the Family Bible Study Team Leader and the Pastor.
Sunday School/Family Bible Study Teachers
Responsible for preparing and teaching spiritual truths for their chosen group.
Small Group Teachers
Responsible for facilitating or coordinating training for those who desire a deeper Spiritual relation-ship with Jesus Christ, through cell groups consisting of intense Bible study and prayer disciplines.
Section 12 – Teller Team
Responsible for counting, recording, preparing for deposit, and providing physical security for weekly church offerings. The Head Teller is responsible for establishing a regular schedule. Counting the offering will be conducted at the conclusion of the Worship Service, not during the service. Tellers shall keep strict confidentiality of each contribution. Tellers must be members in good standing.
Section 13 – Usher Team
Responsible for the safety and security of the congregation, monitoring and addressing the source of any unnecessary disruptions, and recording a count of Sunday morning services attendance.
Section 14 – Worship Team
Responsible for planning, preparing for and leading Sunday worship, coordinating special music, overseeing copyright compliance, and completing reports for CCLI license.
Section 15 – Personnel and Pastor Search Teams
The Personnel Search Team is responsible for actively pursuing candidates for open job positions, recommending compensation and covenant parameters to the Stewardship and Trustee Teams, respectively. This Team will consist of the Pastor and Youth Pastor. (Contractors are pursued and approved by the Trustees.)
The Pastor Search Team shall consist of at least five and up to seven members, including the Chairman of the Deacons, Trustees Team Leader, Worship Team Leader, and Family Bible Study Team Leader, or their designate, plus three members at large who shall be elected during a business meeting.
Section 16 – Adhoc Teams
The Church has the authority to form any needed adhoc teams with a majority vote at any business meeting. Members will be selected in accordance with Church guidelines and members will remain on the Team until the task is complete or they are no longer able to serve.
The Church seeks to provide a safe and secure environment for the children who participate in our programs and activities. By implementing the procedures below, our goal is to protect all children from incidents of misconduct or inappropriate behavior while also protecting our staff and volunteers from false accusation.
All Church Leadership and Ministry Teams share in the responsibility of safety and security of minors and each other, and are required to familiarize themselves with the Church Security and Safety Guidelines (appendix D).
All Church members and non-members who work with minors must undergo a background check. Background checks will be done bi-annually. If a criminal record is found, the candidate must agree to be approved by the Church body at a business meeting prior to serving.
We will keep on file procedures to follow if an incident of abuse is alleged to have occurred during any church activity.
Whenever possible, no minor should be left alone with one adult on church premises or at any church activity.
Before taking any child under the age of 18 off of church grounds, sponsors of church activities must secure permission in writing on the approved form from the child’s parent or legal guardian.
We will expand our procedures in the future as ministries warrant.
No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs will be permitted on Church property.
There shall be no change made to the Constitution and By-Laws except by a quorum of fifty percent (50%) of active members with a seventy-five percent (75%) positive vote. The proposed change must be presented to the congregation in writing at least 14-days prior to the time of the planned vote.