
Our church is a warm and loving place in which we strive to  
Help others, Obey God's Word, Pray fervently, Equip people to share the Gospel.

If you are looking for a place to worship or have relocated to our area, we would love to have you be our guest. We encourage you to browse through the various areas of our website and learn more about our fellowship. Feel free to contact us at any time.

  • Sunday, 9:00 am -- Sunday School*
  • Sunday, 10:00 am -- Worship Service* and Children's Church
  • Wednesday, 7:00 pm -- Adult Prayer Meeting*, Youth and College & Career, Children (K-5th Gr)

Please contact us at hopeoflaurel@gmail.com with questions or Zoom information.

* available via Zoom


  • FALL FEST 2024....

    Click here to register for our annual Fall Fest



    We are continuing to collect items for Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoeboxes in hopes of bringing joy and the loving message of Jesus to even more children around the world. In September, we are collecting GAMES, including playing cards and card games (ie, Uno, Eye Found It, Guess in 10), peg games, small puzzles, Ping Pong paddle sets, soccer balls with pump, jacks, marble sets, yoyos, jump ropes, and more. Remember, items must fit into the shoeboxes. Please place donations in the designated box in the foyer on Sundays (9:00-11:00 am) or Wednesdays (7:00-8:00 pm).


    • Youth Group (Wed at 7:00 pm) -- We invite teens (6th-12th grade) to join us every Wednesday for a time of Bible study, games, and prayer.
    • College & Career Group (Thu at 7:00 pm) -- Young adults (first decade after graduating high school) are invited to join us for Bible study each week as we dive into topics of interest to the group.